On Thursday, Ledra Street reopened to the public after many years of partition! Majority of people of both sides want whats best for Cypriots and the Cyprus problem...Its up to us to make a better future for the next generations!
I believe that the opening of Ledras will be a mistake for both communities...As it doesn't solve anything! It will produce many problems for everyone like bringing drugs more easily to the Greek-Cypriot community, illegal immigrants from other countries, easy transport to casinos on the other side, many firecrackers from Turkey to Cyprus and many other problems!
But always everyone has to see the bright side of the opening! We can see the two sides agreeing about something, not playing with each other! Also Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots that were friends in the past meeting more often(relationships getting better!)...........
Christofias made a (good) start of his presidential role but lets wait and see when the problems will be detected:P.... Hope everything goes right for Cyprus!
Videos Foukou Blog posted for this event!
Τα προβλήματα φίλε Πανίκο άρχισαν πολύ πριν ανοίξει η οδός Λήδρας. Και ναρκωτικά και πολλά αλλά...
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Projetores, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://projetor-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
I agree that re-opening Ledras Street doesn't solve anything, but on the other hand it doesn't cause any harm either (drug smugglers and illegal immigrants were able to act long before the opening of Ledras road-block).
The good-will that was displayed from both sides is a positive sign, but it's far from what we are asking for. Let's hope that we'll have better news soon.
P.S. I disargee with the pic you posted :) Erdogan probably thinks that the problem IS solved...
The pic meant that there will be long years to come to solve this BIG Problem!
ledras street re-opening is a bog mistake for Greeks
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